Another Departure

From: James Algiers

Subject: A note on another departure

Date: March 12, 2009 at 8:37:12 PM CDT

To: Charles, Clouis Frey, Bob 

Hi Louie, Charles, and Bob, 

Our friend Tom W. died yesterday.  He had been very ill for the past year, suffering from probably pulmonary fibrosis secondary to farmers' silo disease, a disease of exposure to nitrogenous materials occurring when silos were opened from the top.  

This occurred many years ago and produced gradual lung destruction. I saw him a few weeks ago, and he was realistically awaiting some infection to take him. He thought he might have made it through the winter.  Emmy B.  is in a nursing home and has some dementia.

Marv remains well, as do I. Jerry is again shaven; guess his wife convinced him he would look better without the beard.  And I can't think of any other living male member of our class, at least in this area. 

I hope all of you are doing well.  Will need to write a snail message or cell phone message to our pal Chuck.  I am sure you all have learned of Virginia’s death a couple of months ago.

Other than that, not much new here.  The economy is for s---, and we are trying to raise two million for a library.  Always the optimists-- never the realists.   If you want a memorial, send a few bucks, and I will arrange it.  The library is to be built on the site of the old high school, the hallowed halls of HHS.

I am trying to learn to operate this new Apple computer and finally feel as if the programs are more logical than a PC.  That doesn't guarantee any better facility of function.  All are operator-dependent.  This constant exercise of brain matter to function is trying; what a battle to keep the neurons firing in sequence and with targets on the screen of physiological function.  (Sounds good-- yes?)

What I am implying is - use your computer to respond to communicate with each other. It is later than you think; when you are so occupied, your wife or friends will be happy.  

So hang in there, you lucky surviving bastards - let's keep on the upside of the sod.

To spring, to sunshine, to martinis, and to you,  


Typed and not REREAD

Want to listen to this letter? Head over to YouTube and see Sally Jensen and Abbey Algiers.


RESOURCES for help with technology:

Article with a variety of resources for easy communication

Tips for friends/family helping older relatives with technology


Honor Flight


75 Years of Friendship